Saturday, 27 December 2014

Distracted by the snow

Tom Stephenson's Dream

More art work for the design and to

assemble the weft yarns.  The warp will be blue for the huge horizons.



Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Tom Stevenson's dream

Back to work on the Pennine Watershed, England's backbone.

One tapestry to go, Teesdale to the Cheviot

Raad Ny Foillan - Way of the Gull

 Still working on Way of the Gull, the Isle of Man Coastal Path.

Could this be 'transience'
the state or fact of lasting only for a short time; 
"the transience of life and happiness"
life of the gull?
 impermanence, briefness,shortness, 
ephemerality, shortlivedness, 
momentariness, mutability,, volatility

New Year

Friday, 31 October 2014

Winter's Eve

also known as Halloween, tomorrow is Samhain, the beginning of winter
work at Tunnel End Marsden

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Save Butterley Spillway

The country's only listed spillway, follow @SaveButterleySp

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Wildflowers and walking around Malham

My favourite the Mountain Pansy by Attamire Scars

Wildflowers and walking around Malham

Meadow Saxifrage

Wild flowers and walking around Malham

             King Cup Meadows - protection against witches

Monday, 12 May 2014

Learning to make land art at YSP

     Spring leaves stitched with Hawthorns

                                                                                                                                 A 15 minute walk along the cut

Ilkley Moor to Menwith Hill

Rock Art to .....

Stanza Stones on Ilkley Moor - enjoy the poems at the Poetry Seat



Thursday, 20 March 2014

Crossing from Holy Island

the Pilgrims' route

Work for St Oswald's Way

Pilgrims' route from Holy Island - seals on the sandbanks moaning sadly

North York Moors

Peaceful Farndale

North York Moors

North York Moors

Majestic Ash

North York Moors

 Industrial Heritage, lined with railways and quarried for ironstone vast kilns high on the valley sides

Visit to North Yorks Moors

Industrial past
Rock Art

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

New work on the loom

 The Way of the Gull

Last of the summer dyeing project, lichen and elderberry.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Lines of Work - exhibition pieces

Text from the Miners' Banners, words from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and current newspaper headlines

Lines of work - exploring the territory

Line of work - research

Lines of work - thinking it through

Reflections 1972 Battle of Saltley Gate – 1984 Battle of Orgreave
1972 Saltley, flying pickets sleeping on bedsit floors, students on the picket line shoulder to shoulder with the miners, amidst the three day week and power cuts.  At the Co-op Dairy (now closed)  we work seven days, cows don’t stop making milk.  No power cuts but no heating and working by torchlight when necessary it’s February and cold.
1978 Grimethorpe colliery.  Helmet lamp and tally stepping into the cage with much trepidation, plummeted into the bowels of the earth and a mile walk to the coal face.  Eyes on the ground eyes on the roof, thankful for the helmet.  Hands and knees across the coal face, I’m only 5’-2’’,the next slice is cut, the props removed and the roof dropped.  Scary.  Back on the surface there’s nowhere for women to wash.
1979 – Tony Benn speaks at the Miners Gala in Lock Park – absolutely no recall of what he said, but I do retain the images of the procession with the Miners Banners.

1984 – Barnsley.  The world has changed since Saltley; new legislation about picketing the Government’s prepared.  I’m working at the County Council (that’s gone too).  County Hall, Soup Kitchen on the Members Car Park, proud men digging for fuel on the muck stacks, the miners stand together.  Elsewhere opinions are divided, the Government’s not going to move.  County Engineers daily counting the cost of damage.  No hope no prospects Margaret Thatcher will not suffer the same fate as Ted Heath.