The Celtic Feast of Spring's awakening. The snowdrop should be in flower but they are three weeks late this year. The buds on the trees are beginning to fatten and catkins are in bloom. In flower in the garden, mahonia, honeysuckle and viburnam, to eat in the garden, leeks and chervil.
Nine inches of snow blue sky and sunshine, wonderful, life stopped for little while then returned to normal as we learned walk and use public transport.
I am a textile artist. My inspiration is born of my love of the landscape. My work is driven by my concern about how I see humankind using the earth's resources with seemingly little regard for who comes next. We seem to have lost our sense of living with nature, of being part of it, we have lost our reverence for nature; we have become detached. The work is intended to make us more aware of our presence, it does not offer answers.